HiddenM-Captions Commissions

Set of caps for deviantart user HiddenM-Captions. Including two one-offs there’s a four part series called Exchange Student about a transfer student coming to a school where casting spells on other’s is allowed.

Exchange Student: 


These captions will be somewhat out of context. These were all part of collaborations with other deviants.

Anti-Matter Invasion, This was a collab with TG-Caps about a group of superheroes being demolished by some aliens. The other half of the caps as well as the rather somber ending is on their dev-art page.

Feminization Crisis, Another Superhero collab but this time with many different writers across deviantart. The theme was basically TG Superheroes. Read the Cow one first.

TG TV Guide, This was a follow-up to the one above this time with a theme of TV Channels.

Win Or Lose Arena

This was a followup to Win or Lose where all the characters were provided by members of Deviant Art. The series started out really strong but as with almost all my stories I tried to weave in a weird bigger story. Not to mention the cast getting pretty bloated near the end. Still I actually finished this one mainly as a way to prove to myself I could

Round 1:

Round 2:

Round 3:

Final Rounds (Read in Order):


Tome is what I consider my best series. The character is fun and the different opponents were fun to write. Some of them are very ‘what a bullshit way to deal with that’ but overall I think its fun. I eventually stopped though because I was trying to force in some kind of epic storyline, similar to TGun but again that failed. Tome is the series I most want to return to although I’d likely start from the beginning again.

Fantasy Captions

Fantasy Captions are my favorite to do. Fantasy worlds have no set rules and with magic as a constant theme I can worry less about how someone is changing and more on why which is my preference. Most of these are among my favorite caps. In my mind they take place in the same world but as the reader thats up to you.