BountyUnter Commissions

These are two different Commission series for Deviant Art user BountyUnter93. The first set involves Ryu from Street Fighter being twinned into copies of whichever female fighter just defeated him. The Second is a similar premise but with Jin and Tekken females.

Ryu’s New Path:

Jin’s Punishment:

Fighting Games

Fighting Games are my passion. I’m better than a scrub but worse than a pro leaving me in the dreaded middle zone. Still, I love all things fighting games. All the titles, all the characters all the bullshit storylines. This is a group of games I think dont get enough tg love so I do my best to fill the void.


Ryoko and Kendra, Another of my Earliest Series about Ryu and Ken being trapped in the bodies of Sakura and Karin. There’s a good and bad end:


Ryu’s New Path, Ryu is defeated by female fighters and then turned into them:

Jin’s Punishment, Jin Kazama is defeated by female fighters and then turned into them